
Humankind once witnessed the bountiful workings of a mighty Earth Giant, named Worker. Worker was of an ancient race, a cousin of man, a lost people speculated about in human myth and lore. After the Great Deluge, or as the Abrahamic covenants tell in the story of Noah’s Great Flood; Worker was charged by God Almighty as the guardian of the new human civilization. It was the gentle Earth Giant Worker who built the first great nations, from the Earth saturated with the Lord’s divine will. Worker labored in the midst of human civilization’s for thousands of years. Worker’s blood, sweat, and tears built kingdoms that would become nations; building monuments to shallow human endeavors, false idols of materialism which would outlast the tragic fate of poor, noble Worker.

One day the leaders and wealthy elite of the human race declared “Worker, we have invented property and currency. With these new inventions, we demand YOU, mighty Worker, to heed our new laws!” Worker was a noble and humble giant, he solemnly agreed. Unable to adjust to man’s new rules and regulations, Worker began to anger the leaders and wealthy elite. As time passed, as science advanced, as civilization began to build machines to replace the station of poor noble Earth Giant Worker; human society began to treat its very own in a dark, diminutive manner. Then one day, the leaders and wealthy elite of the human race declared “Worker, you crowed our cities, you drain our resources, you only hinder our leisure….”

Eventually, the day arrived when the great leaders and wealthy elite of the human race decided they no longer needed the immemorial Earth Giant Worker. The leaders and wealthy elite of the human race, with their bureaucracies of corporate consumers, demanded that mighty Worker lay down his eternal strength. The wealthy, propertied elite rulers buried poor, humble, noble, Earth Giant Worker in economies of mass production and decadence. Worker became entombed in conservative materialism, swallowed by a sea of social apathy that embodies all aspects of modern Capitalism. And so, the tragic fate of the Mighty, Humble, Eternally Noble, Earth Giant Worker continues to play its melancholy song.

A day will come when the people will once more rely on the Great Earth Giant Worker. This day will be a glorious accomplishment for all of human life. The voices of all peoples will be heard in unison as they chant “everything for everyone, and nothing for ourselves.” In this glorious cry from the nations of love and unity, Earth Giant Worker will rise from his shackles and once more create the wonders only man and woman are destined to know.

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