
It is a fallacy in its very nature,
due to its idolatrous worship of,
all that is phallic.
It stands at the heads of most
world governments and corporations.
A blend of ignorance and tons of testosterone,
it cares little for the androgynous nature of people,
Gods children.
Patriarchy are its political colors.
Denial of the man and woman
in all of us is its supreme goal.
Aristotle, and the logic he developed
held patriarchy as a necessity, as read
in Politics.
Christians, both black and white
quote Pauls letters to the Colossians,
to the Ephesians to justify,
then slavery of race,
still slavery of sex.
Christ spoke a contradictory message,
Luke 11: equal discipleship for woman and man
John 8: adultress pardoned “let ye who has not sinned,
cast the first stone.”
Perhaps we are still in a state of, befuddlement,
we believe Eve tempted Adam, thus
we blame Eve for the fall of humankind from Grace
Yet the truth is less understood, then discussed.
Eve was a pawn much like the serpent,
who tempted her.
Mortality and the world of the flesh
create a weakness in animal and people alike.
Temptation and weak will-power, are the curse.
of man, of woman, of eve, of Adam, of Steve...
So no longer despise the woman,
or the feminine in man and the man in the woman.
No longer despise Eve.
For it is our own fault, the poor decisions
we make.

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